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Curriculum Vitae

Ala Alwan, MD, FRCP, FFPH
Regional Director Emeritus, World Health Organization

Curriculum vitae: CV


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Curriculum vitae - Positions in Global Health
Curriculum vitae: CV

Feb. 2012 –January 2017 World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean, WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean.

Led the Region to set key and accountable priorities for health system strengthening, maternal and child health, noncommunicable diseases, communicable diseases and health security, and emergency preparedness and response. In each area, the Region  made significant progress, with a focus on the vulnerable and marginalized in each country (more information on accomplishments during this period at "Five years in action: strengthening public health in the Region and beyond" and

Achievements under his leadership included:

  • Development of clear frameworks for action and roadmaps with feasible, cost-effective interventions that take into account the differing socioeconomic and development contexts of member states. Examples include strategic directions and guidance to countries on universal health coverage, health information systems, noncommunicable diseases, medical education, mental health, health and the environment, and nursing and midwifery.  Many Member States are already implementing these frameworks and roadmaps.

  • Development of public health policies and recommended legislation addressing key noncommunicable risk factors including tobacco use, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity.  

  • Prompt control of major disease outbreaks, mobilizing all resources in the region and internationally, to successfully implement comprehensive and highly coordinated, multi-country measures.  Examples include the Middle East polio outbreak, the Horn of Africa polio outbreak, MERS CoV, cholera, dengue, and measles. 

  • Robust assessments of countries’ capacities in implementing the International Health Regulations (IHR).

  • Leading the development, with the Global Health Security Agenda and other partners, of the Joint External Evaluation tool, which has been universally adopted.  The tool is currently being used to assess IHR core competencies in member states.

  • During the five-year period, Dr Alwan has developed an in-depth situation analysis covering the five key priorities in all member states, and provided extensive and regularly updated country profiles showing the current health situation, achievements, strengths, weaknesses, challenges and opportunities in each of the five key priorities. These profiles provide the base line to monitor the progress that each country is making.

  • Dr Alwan has given a priority to capacity building in the area of public health in all member states through three high-level initiatives:  firstly, an assessment of public health functions in ministries of health in the Region, by developing a regional tool and conducting the assessment in two pilot countries, resulting in a comprehensive report to address existing challenges and strengthen performance.  An increasing number of countries has now decided to conduct the assessment.  Secondly, a high-level training programme for leadership in health development and health system strengthening, has already graduated more than 50 senior health officials in member states.  Thirdly, five annual health diplomacy seminars have been organized to strengthen coordination and joint work between health, foreign policies and other sectors. The Seminars created an active movement of health diplomacy in the region and involved around 280 high-level officials, including Ministers, Ambassadors, and Parliamentarians from all Member States in the Region.

  • Many countries in the Region are experiencing high levels of crises necessitating strong leadership and decision-making skills in responding to health emergencies.  Dr Alwan has been leading emergency response and outbreak control in the region and he has placed major emphasis on delivery of effective emergency support and sustaining the functionality of health systems in affected countries. 

  • Dr Alwan has promoted a programme of reform at country level, reviewing and strengthening country office structures and capacity.  He also implemented an extensive programme of managerial reform, the results of which have been appreciated by WHO’s Governing Bodies.

Dr Alwan’s office as Regional Director has seen the Eastern Mediterranean Region break new ground and take a clear technical lead in several key programmes such as noncommunicable disease prevention, health systems strengthening, health information systems, health security, including the International Health Regulations, and emergency response.

Feb. 2008 - Jan. 2012  Assistant Director-General, Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

Responsible for WHO Departments and Programmes for the prevention and control of chronic diseases, health promotion, mental health, control of substance use disorders, nutrition, violence and injury prevention, the Tobacco Free Initiative, and the WHO Centre for Development in Kobe.

Between 2008 and 2012, Dr Alwan led the global initiative to raise the priority given to noncommunicable diseases through the development of a highly coordinated set of technical, evidence-based high impact interventions and political advocacy measures , which culminated in the historic United Nations General Assembly Political Declaration on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases, endorsed, by the  Heads of State and Government, during the Sixty-sixth Session of the General Assembly. This was the second global health challenge ever discussed at the highest level in the United Nations General Assembly.   

Achievements under his leadership included:

  • the first Implementation Plan of the Global Strategy for the Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases (cardiovascular diseases, cancers, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases), which covers the period 2008-2013 and provides a global road map for countries and WHO in addressing these health problems. Endorsed by the World Health Assembly in 2008.

  • the development of the Global Strategy on the Harmful Use of Alcohol. Endorsed by the World Health Assembly in 2010.

  • the recommendations on the marketing of food and non-alcoholic beverages to children, endorsed by WHO Member during the World Health in 2010.

  • the development and editing of the first Global Status report on Noncommunicable Diseases 2010, which provided global evidence on the epidemiology of noncommunicable diseases, strategies for surveillance, prevention and health care for noncommunicable diseases and, for the first time, estimates for all countries on premature mortality, and the key risk factors for noncommunicable diseases.

  • the development of the noncommunicable diseases “best buys”, which are evidence-based, cost-effective, affordable and feasible measures to prevent and control noncommunicable diseases.  The “best buys” were published in the first Global Status Report.

  • WHO focus on the socio-economic consequences of noncommunicable diseases and the conducting of an assessment on the economic costs of action to prevent and control noncommunicable diseases through implementation of the “best buys”.  The report was launched in New York in the margins of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases, in 2011.

  • the establishment of the Global Noncommunicable Diseases Network and its Global Forum.

  • the organization of the Global Multi-stakeholders Forum and the First Global Ministerial Conference for Healthy Lifestyles and Noncommunicable Diseases Control (Moscow, 28-29 April 2011). More than 90 ministers of health attended and delegations form more than 140 countries.

For more details, please refer to:;              

Oct. 2005 -Jan. 2008   Representative of the Director-General and Assistant Director-General for Health Action in Crises, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

This position was established for the first time in WHO at the Assistant Director-General level in response to the United Nations Humanitarian Reforms.  Responsible for planning and coordinating WHO work in the areas of emergency preparedness, response to emergencies and recovery from crises, including natural and man-made disasters. Dr Alwan was centrally involved in the implementation of the United Nations reforms in the humanitarian area by establishing the global humanitarian health cluster, which includes membership of the different United Nations agencies, international nongovernmental organizations, and the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement.  

  • Dr Alwan coordinated the international response of WHO and the Health Cluster in emergencies and disasters between October 2005 and January 2008, and initiated the establishment of the Health and Nutrition Tracking Service during emergencies and crises. Dr Alwan represented WHO in the United Nations Inter Agency Standing Committee.

  • Under Dr Alwan’s leadership, a global survey was conducted for the first time to assess the health sector emergency preparedness and response in countries, identify gaps in preparedness and recommend actions to strengthen preparedness strategies and plans.

  • During his assignment, WHO’s humanitarian and crises work witnessed some expansion in funding and human resources allocations as well capacity-building. However, although WHO’s performance in crisis was successful in some cases, it required a much higher level of investment, particularly in the area of human resources, logistics and funding.  Dr Alwan’s work in this area did not continue because of cabinet change in WHO and his reassignment, at the end  of 2007,  as Assistant Director-General to lead WHO’s work in the area of Noncommunicable Diseases, Mental Health and other related programs.    

Oct. 2001 – Sept. 2005 World Health Organization (WHO) Representative in Jordan (interrupted by secondment to the Government of Iraq between 2003-2005)

Awarded the Independence Medal by His Majesty King Abdulla II of Jordan for distinguished services in health in Jordan. During this assignment Dr Alwan developed several important health initiatives and authored and published several key publications on Health in Jordan.

Jan. 1999 – Sept. 2001 Director, Noncommunicable Diseases, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

Dr Alwan directed the WHO programmes on cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, rheumatic diseases, human genetics, disability prevention & rehabilitation, prevention of blindness and visual impairment, and prevention of deafness and hearing impairment.

  • The main achievement during this assignment was the development of the Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases, which was discussed by the WHO Executive Board in January 2000 and endorsed by the World Health Assembly in May 2000.  This was the first-ever Strategy developed at the global level and agreed by all member states, to prevent and control noncommunicable diseases. This Strategy remains the basis for all subsequent work on noncommunicable diseases.  Dr Alwan led the process of preparing the Global Strategy through global consultations and a steering committee of top international experts. The Strategy provides the main strategic directions for the work of countries, WHO and international partners in the prevention and management of heart disease, stroke, cancers, diabetes and chronic lung diseases.

  • Dr Alwan also conducted the first global survey on assessment of national capacity for noncommunicable disease prevention and control in 167 countries. The survey provided for the first time, data on the capacity of member states in addressing noncommunicable diseases in the areas of policies, infrastructure, technical guidelines and human resources.  The Survey is now conducted regularly to assess the progress that member states are making in implementing the United Nations General Assembly Political Declaration.

1997- 1998 Director, Division of Health Services Development, World Health Organization Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office, Alexandria, Egypt

Responsibilities included management of: Primary Health Care, Basic Development Needs, Community-Based Initiatives, Pharmaceuticals, Human Resources, and Medical and Health Professional Education. 

1995 -1997 Head of WHO Country Office in Oman, Muscat, Oman

During this assignment Dr Alwan developed several important health initiatives, including a comprehensive initiative to integrate the management of hypertension and diabetes into primary health care and a community-based initiative on health lifestyles and noncommunicable disease prevention in Nizwa.  The Oman programme integrating hypertension and diabetes into primary health care and the Nizwa community-based programme are today recognized among the most important initiatives to prevent noncommunicable diseases in the region. 

1992 – 1995 Regional Adviser, Noncommunicable Diseases, World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, Alexandria, Egypt

Responsibilities covered the planning and implementation of WHO regional programmes in noncommunicable disease control, prevention of genetic disorders, prevention of blindness and deafness, and disability prevention and rehabilitation. This period witnessed intensified collaboration with member states in these areas.

Curriculum Vitae - Positions at national level
Curriculum vitae: CV

2004 - 2005 Minister of Health, Government of Iraq

After more than two decades of international sanctions and severe deterioration of health standards, which resulted in the almost collapse of the health system, Dr Alwan conducted an extensive analysis of the health situation in Iraq and developed a shared four-year vision and strategy for the reconstruction of the health sector. The remaining part of 2004 and early 2005 witnessed the implementation of the strategy, with special focus on urgent priorities, rehabilitation of the physical infrastructure, training and capacity building, and resource mobilization despite very difficult conditions of poor security, severe limitation of trained human resources, migration of health professionals, and a progressively increasing burden on emergency medical services. 

Dr Alwan authored and published the first report on "Health in Iraq" containing for the first time an assessment of the health situation in Iraq, future vision and areas of work. The second edition of the publication can be accessed through:

2003 – 2004 Minister of Education, Iraq

In the first interim government following the 2003 war and under Dr Alwan’s leadership and direction, the Ministry of Education developed a comprehensive strategy for reconstruction of the education sector, re-opened schools, renovated more than 1000 school buildings, trained more than 32,000 teachers and prepared about 800 master trainers, and had a successful school year (2003-2004) for around 6 million students throughout the country, despite enormous challenges.

More than 65 million new, de-politicized textbooks were printed. Dr Alwan personally supervised the development of a process to revise the curriculum and the drafting of a new interim de-politicized curricula for civic education and history. During the same period, a large amount of extrabudgetary funds was raised from several donors and a recovery programme of collaboration was established with the World Bank.

A publication on "Education in Iraq” was authored by Dr Alwan, summarizing the current situation of the education sector in Iraq, challenges encountered and the four-year strategy. More than 14,000 copies were printed and distributed to all educational institutions in Iraq. The publication was printed in a second edition in 2005 and contained for the first time, basic data on educational facilities and education staffing at the country level.  At that time, the Ministry of Education had more than 300,000 employees.

1990 – 1992 Dean, College of Medicine, University of Mustansiriya, Baghdad, Iraq

1978 – 1990 College of Medicine, Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Iraq

Lecturer/Assistant Professor (1978-1988), Chairman, Dept. of Medicine, College of Medicine (1982-1988), Scientific promotion to full “Professor" of Medicine (1988), Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs and Post-graduate Studies (1983-1985).

Curriculum Vitae - Additional information
Curriculum vitae: CV


  • 1971:     MB.ChB. (MD), Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt. Distinction in Public Health  

  • 1976:     M.R.C.P. (UK): Membership, Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom (Internal Medicine)

  • 1987:     F.R.C.P (Internal Medicine): Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of Glasgow

  • 1990:     F.R.C.P.: Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of London

  • 1995:     M.F.P.H. (Public Health): Membership through Distinction, Faculty of Public Health Medicine, London

  • 1997:     F.F.P.H. (Public Health): Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine, London


  • 2013-2019:     Honorary Professor, Public Health, Imperial College London

  • 2014-2017:     Honorary Professor, Global Health, University of Oxford

  • 2017:     Visiting Professor, Global Health, University of Washington


Editor and Founder, Iraqi Drug Information Bulletin (1984-1987); Honorary Life Member, International Diabetes Federation (IDF); Founder and Honorary President, Iraqi Diabetes Association; Co-founder and Honorary President, The Arab Group for the Study of Diabetes, established in 1989; Member, Advisory Board, Bulletin of the International Diabetes Federation (1995-1996); Guest Editor, Middle East Issue of the Bulletin of the International Diabetes Federation, No.1, Vol. 43,  February 1998; Member of the International Diabetes Federation Task Force on Diabetes Health Economics (1995- 2000); Member, Editorial Board, Cancer Strategy , John Wiley (1998- ) ; Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Public Health Medicine, Rila Publications, London (1998- ); Member, Editorial Board, Tobacco Control, British Medical Journal (1998- 2000); Member, International Advisory Board, Heart Disease and Stroke in Canada, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (1999); Editor-in-Chief, Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (2012-2017).

Geneva, Switzerland

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